这么多人回复, 足见这首歌在歌迷心中的地位, 现把这首现场的视频分享给大家, 我觉得这个墨尔本的现场是最经典的一场, 岁月的沉淀让几个老男人更加有味。 (PS:单纯音乐版的下载地址不知道为什么只能听不能下, 等找到可以下的地址第一时间与大家分享。)
这是我听过的最好的现场版的加州旅馆, 相信听过的人不会忘记刚开场那一段悠扬的小喇叭独奏(第二张图片), 看过视频的人更会深深的被这些老人以及他们还原的那经典声音所折服, 无怪乎现场的人一次次的疯狂。 歌曲最后的那一段管弦乐演奏如锦上添花,完美的结束。 如果说清唱像小葱豆腐,清新爽口, 那么这便是满汉全席,酣畅淋漓。
现场版:Hotel California
on a dark desert hightway cold wind in my hair warm smeel of colytas rising up through the air up ahead in the distance i saw a shimmering light my head grew heavy and my sight grew dim i dad to stop for the night there she stood in the doorway i heard the mission bell i was thinking to myself this could be heaven now this could be hell then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way there were voices down in corridor i thought i heard them say: welcome to the hotel california such a lovely place (such a lovely place) such a lovely face theres plenty of room at the hotel california any time of year (any time of year) you can find it here her mind is tiffany- twisted she got the mercedes benz she got a lot of pretty pretty boys she calls friend how they dance in the courtyard sweet summer sweat some dance to remember some dance to forget so l called up the captain: please bring me my winehe said: we havent bad that spirit here since 1969 and still those voicse are caling from far away wake you up in the middle of the night just to hear them say: welcome to the hotel california such a lovely place (such a lovely place) such a lovely face theres plenty of room at the hotel california what nice surprise (what nice surprise) bring your alibis mirrors on the ceiling pink champage on ice she said: we are all just prisoners here of our own device in the masters chambers they gathered for the feast they stabbed it with their steely knives but they just cant kill the beast last thing i remember i was running for the door i had to find the pasage back to the place i was before relax said the night man we are program to see you can check out any time you like but you can never leave
原帖由 孔雀东南飞 于 2010-5-20 14:18 发表 很经典的乐队 适合30-40岁的人听 比较适合那个年代